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No Max Pain, No Max Gain: A Case of Predictable Reversal

with Ilias Filippou and Pedro García-Ares


Asset Pricing Implications of Heterogeneous Investment Horizons

with Idan Hodor


Heterogenous Peer Effects: How Community Connectivity Affects Car Purchases

with Joshua Shemesh and Yves Zenou


Clinging Onto the Cliff: A Model of Financial Misconduct

with AJ Chen, and Suk Lee


Betting on the Likelihood of a Short Squeeze

with Ilias Filippou and Pedro García-Ares


A Real Options Methodology for R&D Portfolio Selection and Management: Applications to the NASA SBIR Program

with Andrea Belz, Jeremy Eckhause and Richard Terrile


Aspirational Utility and Investment Behavior

with Andreas Aristidou, Aleks Giga and Suk Lee


Demand for Lotteries: The Choice Between Stocks and Options

with Ilias Filippou and Pedro García-Ares


Competition or Spillover? Star Analyst Co-coverage and Firms’ Information Environment

with Gil Aharoni and Joshua Shemesh


Skewness Seeking in a Dynamic Portfolio Choice Experiment

with Isabelle Brocas, Juan Carrillo and Aleks Giga


Supply Shortages in Sell-Side Analyst Coverage

with Marco Navone


Uncertainty and Dispersion of Opinions

with Min Kim


The Role of Institutional Governance on Early-Stage Financing for University Spinoffs 

with Andrea Belz and Alexandra Graddy-Reed

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